Lg And E Outage Map – FAYETTE COUNTY (LEX 18) โ As of 4:50 p.m., over 1,000 Fayette County residents are without power as severe storms continue through the region. According to the LG&E and KU outage map, over 1,800 . Lost power? Check the outage map to see if we’re aware of the outage. If your outage isn’t shown, call 1 800 BCHYDRO (1 800 224 9376) or *HYDRO (*49376) on your mobile or report it online. See our .
Lg And E Outage Map
Source : lge-ku.com
POWER OUT? Check this LG&E map for info on outages in your area
Source : www.whas11.com
Gas survey | LG&E and KU
Source : lge-ku.com
POWER OUT? Check this LG&E map for info on outages in your area
Source : www.whas11.com
LG&E, KU and ODP Apps on Google Play
Source : play.google.com
Digging safety | LG&E and KU
Source : lge-ku.com
LG&E, KU and ODP Apps on Google Play
Source : play.google.com
LG&E and KU A Tornado Watch has been issued for much our
Source : m.facebook.com
OG&E Apps on Google Play
Source : play.google.com
Mill Creek Generating Station | LG&E and KU
Source : lge-ku.com
Lg And E Outage Map Outages | LG&E and KU: Online outage maps from LG&E-KU currently show approximately 730 customers without power. No estimate has been given for the restoration of power. While crews work to determine the cause of the . The outage was reported just after 7 p.m., according to an outage map from PG&E. At one point, the utility said the outage affected more than 5,000 of its customers in neighborhoods in the area .